
work in flanders

Yes, I'm an immigrant; No, I won't just "take any job"

Geplaatst op 26/06/2024

Many immigrant jobseekers report being treated unfairly: between the language barrier, the lack of equivalence of their formal education or just plain stigmatisation, they encounter many obstacles. Two of our volunteers write about what they went through looking for a job in Flanders.

work in flanders

Co-Searching op het Nooddorp voor Oekraïense vluchtelingen

Geplaatst op 09/03/2023 door Nadia Kara

Een jaar geleden viel Rusland Oekraïne binnen. Om Oekraïense vluchtelingen op te vangen bouwde de Stad Mechelen een Nooddorp en vroeg Co-Searching of we geïnteresseerde mensen uit het Nooddorp konden begeleiden naar werk.


work in flanders

A Guide to using LinkedIn efficiently to land your ideal job

Geplaatst op 01/03/2023 door Padma Gopalan

Are you a future graduate or a seasoned veteran looking to start your job search? Or are you looking for a career change and wondering what your next role should be? Well! This blogpost is all about using LinkedIn to unlock the secrets of success and land your next big role.

work in flanders


How prepared are you for the Belgian Job Market?

Geplaatst op 19/10/2022 door Padma Gopalan

Thousands of International students come to Belgium every year for education. With many international students coming to the country each year, there would be an equal number of students graduating, some of whom would also be interested in working in Belgium.

work in flanders


Decoding VDAB: a one-stop-shop for all your employment needs in Flanders

Geplaatst op 31/08/2022 door Padma Gopalan

For anyone looking for a job in Flanders, VDAB is almost a must — but sometimes, it’s just hard figuring out where to start. Luckily, Padma looked it all up to give you a head start in the process.

work in flanders


A newbie’s guide to jumpstarting your job search in Flanders

Geplaatst op 04/08/2022 door Padma Gopalan

You just moved to Flanders? Like most newcomers, you’re probably eager to get to work. Belgium is a complicated country and a little guidance goes a long way. In today’s blogpost, Padma shares what she learned through her Flemish journey so far so you don’t have to figure it out by yourself.

work in flanders


The Complete Job Search toolkit

Geplaatst op 29/06/2022 door Zhanna Vrublevska

In this blogpost, Zhanna shares her takeaways from the complete job search toolkit, a resource that will come in handy for newcomers looking for work in Flanders.

work in flanders

6 ways to optimise your job search as a newcomer in Flanders

Geplaatst op 02/03/2022 door Zhanna Vrublevska

Looking for a job can be frustrating, and a foreigner searching for employment in Flanders can quickly be discouraged. Where to start? And which institutions offer useful guidance? Should I focus my efforts on learning Dutch? So many questions, to which luckily, our blogger Zhanna has answers!